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The crafting recipe for both torches is vertical, and you can make them in any column of the crafting area. It is also worth noting that only the regular lantern, with a light level of 15, is in the group of brightest light sources. The soul lantern only has a light level of 10 and isn’t even as bright as a Nether portal in Minecraft. You can choose the lantern variant based on your requirements and design. One of the most challenging elements to complete your best Minecraft house ideas is the lighting. Blocks like glowstone are too distracting, while traditional items like a torch feel out of place.
One-side Lamp Post
But if you want to get naturally generating soul lanterns, you have to visit ancient cities. That is the only spot in Minecraft that spawns soul lanterns naturally. Soul lanterns are turquoise variants crafted from soul torches. Birch wood and sandstone are a perfect combination for a lamp post, especially if you’re living in the desert biome. The grindstones can be crafted with 2 wooden planks, 2 sticks, and 1 stone slab. So, make sure to prepare a crafting table and a furnace for this design.
Easy Minecraft Lamp Post Design Ideas
If you’ve played enough RPG games, you should be familiar with those direction lamp posts. If you don’t have any spare beacons left, replace the center block with another sea lantern. The design fit really well with the Nether environment while still providing a soft light to the area.

Blackstone Lamp
The design pushes imagination and creativity to the next level by making the lamp float, along with some chains and levitating energy crystals made from glass panes. However, it totally makes sense in this open-world sandbox game. Starting off the list, we have a basic Minecraft lamp design made by GraySun.
However, when you use the right blocks and build it in the right place, the value of the build is significantly increased. Sir Derpol has a lot of cool cyberpunk Minecraft lamp posts, and this design makes it to the top of the list because of its complexity and expense. Remember to add the daylight sensor on top so the lamp post can automatically turn on at night. Additionally, using a lead to add a small detail to the pole can create a huge difference. To finish off the design, use a flint and steel or a fire charge to create a permanent fire source on top of the netherrack block.
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Lanterns are the brightest light source in Minecraft, better for illuminating a place than torches or candles. As its name suggests, this lamp post design has a scarecrow shape with two long hands and a straw hat. By using mostly warped wood and Blackstones, it’s really easy to replica this idea since you can get those resources in the Nether dimension itself. Lanterns are one of the best sources of light in Minecraft, with the closest competition coming from Glowstones. So if you’re looking for the recipe on how to make a Lantern, and what they do, we have you covered in our Lantern Guide below.
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What is a Lantern in Minecraft
Alternatively, there's a chance that an apprentice-level librarian villager may sell you a regular lantern for an emerald. We will first cover the ingredients for a lantern in Minecraft, followed by its usage. But you can use the table below to explore the crafting recipe directly. Lanterns can be placed on the top or bottom surfaces of most solid blocks, although some require sneaking. Acacia always has a vibrant texture, and that’s what makes this lamp post stand out. It’s always cool to see Asian structure appear in Minecraft, and lamp post is not an exception.
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Also, it only requires 3 blocks wide to build a single lamp post, which is sufficient for small areas. With only 6 blocks tall and the blue tone, you could use this lamp post design for any small or aquatic temple. By building a solid foundation made from a smoker and unique models of hoppers, you could have a detailed and good-looking lamp post for your path. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make a lantern, place 1 torch and 8 iron nuggets in the 3x3 crafting grid. In the village, they usually generate on top of pillars around farms and on some buildings.
Block States for Lantern
The only reliable solution left is a lantern, and fortunately, they are the best. Once you learn how to make a lantern in Minecraft, you won’t need any other light sources. And if you want variety, they also have a calmer soul lantern variant.

To get nuggets, you'll have to place the ingot on the crafting table. In this guide, we'll show you, step by step, the Minecraft lantern recipe and how to use your new creation. So, when placed beneath another block, they appear to be hanging from that block. On the other hand, when you place them without any block on top, the same lantern’s chain changes its appearance. By adding a small sitting area underneath the lamp post, you can have a quick rest and take a snack here after a long journey. In fact, many Minecraft servers use this design in their spawn area because it’s easy to build and has multiple functionalities.
When broken without a pickaxe, the lantern disappears without dropping anything. Alternatively, if you have extra iron gear, you can smelt it inside a smoker, furnace, or blast furnace. Smelting an iron item gives out one iron nugget irrespective of the durability or type of that item. It’s also best to use this design in any mountain builds, especially for dwarf’s fortress and pathway. Alternatively, you can choose to only build the lamp trident if you want. Now that you have filled the crafting area with the correct pattern, the lantern will appear in the box to the right.
Like the basic and advanced lamp post designs above, this design primarily uses spruce and cobblestones as its materials. You just have to place the torch or soul torch in the middle cell of the crafting area. Then, you need to place iron nuggets all around the torch, completely filling every other cell. This will give you the lantern that you can then drag to your inventory. Some lamp post design ideas could be wide or higher than your base’s roof, so it’s recommended to check your available spacing before collecting the materials. Start with some mossy cobblestone blocks, then make your way to the top with fences and cover the hoppers with spruce signs and stairs.
Once crafted, you can place the lantern below any block to hang it. Or you can place it on top of another block for a lamp-like appearance. But make sure you break it only with a pickaxe (can be made out of any material).
This guide will teach you how to craft lanterns in Minecraft Java and Bedrock Editions. However, if you want to make a soul lantern, you have to craft a soul torch instead of a regular torch. To craft it, place a block of soul soil or soul sand in the cell below the stick and a piece of coal or charcoal above.
With that said, let’s dive right in and learn how to make a lantern in Minecraft. If you want to decorate your base with lanterns, you can either place them on top of blocks or use chains to hang them from the ceiling. You can use as many chains as you wish to connect the lantern. However, unlike torches, you can’t place them against the wall. Despite this, you can also set it on top of fences and walls to make decorative lampposts. Medieval is always a good choice when building in Minecraft since the game supports many blocks with a variety of shapes and colors.
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